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Stadig oftere kan vi lese om problemer barn forårsaker på skolen. Enten for lærerne eller for medelever. Forskere har nå utviklet et skoleprogram som kan redusere problematferd.
Forskning har vist at barn i alderen 13 til 18 år har nytte av å fremme trivsel og optimal funksjon. Det ble utviklet et program for å fremme bruk av styrker (talenter) og mindfulness hos barna. Det hadde tidligere vist seg at programmet fremmer ungdommens velvære på kort sikt og reduserer problematferd, som for eksempel hyperaktivitet og oppmerksomhetsproblemer.
Skoleprogrammet Think Happy-Be Happy (THBH) har ingen påviselige effekter på positive følelser, men det kan redusere negative følelser, noe som kan føre til økt trivsel og reduserer problematferd.
Studien fant sted blant 352 barn ved ungdomsskoler og videregående skoler og varte i åtte uker; en 45-minutters økt hver uke i skoletiden. Både deltakerne i THBH-programmet og kontrolldeltakerne fylte ut spørreskjemaer på to tidspunkter der blant annet deres psykiske helse ble kartlagt. Det gikk 8 uker mellom disse to måleøyeblikkene. I løpet av de 8 ukene jobbet deltakerne i programmet aktivt med styrkene sine. De gjorde øvelser og ble oppfordret til å tenke på hva de hadde lært av øktene og hvordan de kunne bruke dette utenfor skolen. Kontrolldeltakerne gjorde ikke dette. Forskjeller i endringer i psykisk helse mellom programdeltakere og kontrolldeltakere kan derfor tilskrives hvorvidt de deltok i THBH-programmet eller ikke.
Funnene ovenfor kan finnes i den tidligere publiserte artikkelen: Efficacy of a School-Based Mental Health Intervention Based on Mindfulness and Character Strengths Use Among Adolescents: a Pilot Study of Think Happy-Be Happy Intervention.
Special school program promotes well-being
More and more often we can read about problems that children cause at school. Either for the teachers or for fellow students. Researchers have now developed a school program that could reduce problem behaviour.
Research has shown that children aged 13 to 18 years benefit from promoting well-being and optimal functioning. A program was developed to promote the use of strengths (talents) and mindfulness in the children. It had previously been shown that the program promotes the well-being of adolescents in the short term and reduces problem behaviour (such as hyperactivity and attention problems).
The Think Happy-Be Happy (THBH) school program has no demonstrable effects on positive emotions, but it can reduce negative emotions, which can lead to increased well-being and reduces problem behaviour.
The study took place among 352 children at primary and secondary schools and lasted eight weeks; a 45-minute session every week during school hours. Both the participants in the THBH program and the control participants completed questionnaires at two points in which, among other things, their psychological health was mapped out. There were 8 weeks between these two measurement moments. During those 8 weeks, the participants in the program actively worked on their strengths. They did exercises and were encouraged to think about what they had learned from the sessions and how they could use this outside of school. The control participants did not do this. Differences in changes in psychological health between program participants and control participants could therefore be attributed to whether they participated in the THBH program.
The above findings can be found in the previously published article: Efficacy of a School-Based Mental Health Intervention Based on Mindfulness and Character Strengths Use Among Adolescents: A Pilot Study of Think Happy-Be Happy Intervention.
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